Thursday, November 5, 2015


The former governor of Ekiti state, Dr. Kayode Fayemi has proffered solution to the leadership deficits ravaging the Nigerian political landscape.

Speaking during the syndicate session of the ‘Excellence In Leadership’ conference held yesterday at Daystar Christian Centre, Lagos, Fayemi said a key leadership deficit is evident both in public sector and indeed every sphere of national life.
He attributed this shortfall to failure to facilitate succession planning.

”The failure is traceable to the dominant model of leadership in our various institutions which was earlier defined as dictatorial and authoritarian.”

”In politics and in many of public sector institutions, this paradigm has effectively created personality court in which funny loyalty rather than competence dictates the allocation of rewards with divergent thinking innovation and initiative are punished while servile group is rewarded.”

”In such environment, members who are desirous to prolong their stay tend to blend in rather than exercising initiative thereby crippling their leadership potential. Leaders in the environment like this tend to be psychological insecure and unwilling or unable to empower subordinate.” he said.

To address this deficit, Fayemi suggested that both current and aspiring leaders need to pay attention to building a successor generation that can sustain and build effort in the making of a new Nigeria through rigorous successor planning.

Fayemi said it is imperative to also develop political framework that would allow better engagement of women and youths in politics in order to maximize their potentials and also benefit from their wealth of experience.

The former Ekiti state governor opined that politics should be seen as a vocation and not a profession.

‘‘Politics is one address and if some people are not involved in politics their lives will not end and these are the set of politicians we need in Nigeria” he said.

Fayemi emphasized those at the helm of affairs should see it as important to promote stewardship in public service and make Nigerians attractive to Nigerians.
Speaking on the main topic of the leadership conference ‘Servant Leadership’, Fayemi linked the concept to Robert K Greenleaf-the first person to use the term in his book titled ‘Servant As Leader’.

Fayemi said the concept of servant leadership is timeless. Though the concept may be difficult to grasp, according to him. it defines future, humility and service.

”Authoritarian leader perpetuate an alienating gulf between themselves and the people they lead which in turns foster a master-servant dynamic. In contrast, servant leadership inverts this dynamics by defining leadership as a service at the risk of appearing to be sermonizing and otherwise circular concept.”

”Servant leadership defines power as part of social covenant that frame the relationship between the leader and the people they lead.”

The minister-designate said his political sojourn has been inspired by the idea of serving a higher purpose in the public square and locating the right vocational channel through which to actualize his obligation as a manner of faith to God and country.

Talking on the attributes of a servant leader, Fayemi said servant leaders are good listeners who craft their programmes after seeking input from others.

”For instance, in my four years as governor of Ekiti, I never formulated a budget without input from 132 communities in Ekiti. Every year from Nov to Dec I did go round communities in village square meetings for people to come up with what seemed to be their priorities.” he said.

Admonishing the young and aspiring leaders, he said they must discover their missions or else they betray it.

”Every generation must discover its mission or else betray it. I made my own mistake, make your own mistake. Benefit from the energy and fiery idealism of youth. Learn from the error of the past generations so as not to repeat it. Whoever you are, wherever you are, I challenge you to come out of your comfort zone and realize your leadership potential.” he said.

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