Monday, November 30, 2015

Fantasy Gone Wrong

“Daddy, when are we moving to our new house?” 

“Next year, baby”
“When, next year?”
“Very early next year”
“Daddy but you said that last year...”
Jide’s eight year old daughter looked disappointed. 4 Years ago he had promised his family that they would move into their own home the next year.

He had been so certain back then, filling his wife and daughter’s minds with his fantasy of a beautiful home and a rich life. But then, he lost his job and his fantasy clashed with reality year after year; he could barely sustain his family, much less his grand dream. Until he discovered the Intellome Civilian Referral Program, the program that changed his life forever.

As a premium partner, Intellomenot only equipped him with the skills to successfully close property deals every time, he earned a hefty percentage of every deal he closed!This broughthim to a level of financial freedom he’d never thought possible. This was why his daughter’s disappointed face did not faze him; Not only was he enjoying massive financial freedom and a lot of free time, his dream house was just a year away. He felt so grateful. Jide drew his little girl close.
“It’s different this time, I promise. We have Intellome.”
Your dream life awaits you. To join the Premium Partner Referal Program, Call/WhatsappIntellome experts on 09083337536 | 09084564395 and visit our website to learn more.

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